Margaret Lashley

 Margaret Lashley 's Books

A very well recieved series by Margaret Lashley are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Lunatic's Game, Val Fremden Mystery Box Set 3, Val Fremden Mystery Box Set 1, What She Forgot, 1 Glad One - Crazy is a Relative Term, Scatman Dues (Freaky Florida Mystery Adventures Book 6), Family Fruitcake Frenzy, Fifty is the New F-Word, Freaky Florida Mystery Adventures Box Set, 0.5 Absolute Zero - Misadventures From A Broad, Doggone Disaster, Moth Busters, Dr. Prepper, Oral Robbers: Freaky Florida Mystery Adventures 1, 2 & 3, which was published in 2022.